best matches

Community Existing Accounts best matches

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3:12 pm , 23/10 by 1980hodgy.
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  • #12627

    Which markets have the closest matching odds and at what times/days?

    It takes me ages to find close matches, even using the price matcher software.

    What methods do people use to manually search markets? two screens?


    Are there any options on using the Asian Handicaps?

    PR Support

    Hi Hodgy, when you say you can’t find any matches on the matcher; what are you putting in?

    You should be able to find a handful!


    Sorry I wasn’t particularly clear, there are a few matches on the matcher  at certain times of the day/week.

    However for Bookies that are not on the matcher or when there are no close matches available I always manually look through the bookie odds and compare to betfair.

    I should have asked what markets have the best odds that are close together, are there any particular times/days of the week.

    I find that when you have a short favourite in a football match the odds tend to be quite close to betfair for the favourite. Its usually the correct scores and match odds.

    Are there any other markets that give better matches?

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