SMarkets Winter Promo Malarkey

Community General Discussion SMarkets Winter Promo Malarkey

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2:56 pm , 02/02 by Stephen.
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  • #18671

      For those doing this, re: final week…

      Q: Why has week 10 of the promotion been extended?

      A: We’re extending the end of our Premier League promotion from 10/02/20 to 17/02/20. This is because, in the last week of the offer, there are not enough matches to hit the five-game quota in order to qualify for the final £10 bonus.

      Therefore, Week Ten will now run from 03/02/20 to 17/02/20, with the bonus amount still being £10 for this period.


        Apparently there weren’t enough games in the final week so they can no choice but to extend it.

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